Help Your Kids Find Direction

Rediscover Adventure and Build Character at a True North Camp This Year

We’re living in a world crowded with ideas, expectations, and challenges.

As your kids step into their next stages of life, having a sense of direction has never been more important.

True North Camps are an opportunity to step back, breathe deeply, and find a sense of identity and direction.

Featured Event:

True North Activities

Rock Climbing






At the core of True North is a belief that everyone should be able to experience the outdoors.

That’s why a portion of our camp costs gets given back to help others - and we are proud to offer a variety of financial assistance and scholarship options.

You can help someone go to camp today - by contributing via a tax-deductible 501c3 gift.

True North was founded on the belief that when we step out of the busyness of life - and into places where we can see the stars again - each of us can rediscover our sense of direction and find our place.

In the summer of 1992, Tom found himself driving a borrowed van filled with with ten kids, a good family friend, a pile of gear, and a whole lot of energy. That was the beginning …

See the Stars Again.

Find your direction at a True North Camp this year.