Uncle Randy Scholarships

At True North, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the outdoors - regardless of their financial abilities.

we create camps at the lowest cost possible, and partner with others to help provide scholarship opportunities for students each year.

Receiving a Camp Scholarship:

Our goal is not to ever turn a potential participant away due to a lack of funding. Reach out via our Contact Form and someone from our team can help discuss financial options.

Help Someone Go To Camp:

True North Camps is providing various outdoor adventures to people of all ages. We want to get people unplugged and outdoors! You can help someone go to camp today by contributing a gifted donation.

The Uncle Randy Camp Scholarship:

Dr. Randall Rowe Stoklas, M.S., PsyD, affectionately referred to as “Uncle Randy” due to his love for children and work as a child psychologist.  With a sense of humor, understanding, and clinical expertise, Randy provided a safe space for children to talk, learn, and grow. A true humanitarian who spent time in India in the Peace Corps, he lived his life in support of social justice and equality to all as well as various children’s causes.

In 2020 Randy responded to an add I ran for a roommate. From his first email to our initial phone conversation I had good vibes and was excited to meet him and show him the house and was delighted when he decided to stay.

After a short time, it became evident that we shared a passion for working with kids.  I shared my vision with Randy about a camp that would take kids on outdoor adventures to develop skills with other kids and work with others to overcome various obstacles they face in their everyday lives. Randy could see my passion, dedication and devotion to this project, and he was excited to be able to have an opportunity to participate with his love and expertise.

In July of 2021 Randy made a trip to Southern Illinois to see the area where I was planning to build a base camp.  Unfortunately Randy wasn’t able to see True North Adventure Camps for kids come to fruition.  On May 15th, 2022, Randy passed away peacefully with his sister, Jaime, at his side.  Randy’s abrupt passing was a terrible loss for his family and all who knew and loved him. The world is a better place because he lived.

To honor Randy’s legacy of caring and working with children I have started the “Uncle Randy” Memorial Scholarship fund to help cover the cost of the outdoor adventure camp.  We want “no kid left behind” because of family finances.

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to this fund and help to send a kid to an outdoor adventure experience, please click on the link below.

Thank you for your generosity and caring.

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